While the message is ancient, the venue was particularly provocative at a time of rising tensions.
In the middle of the cavernous and ornate Al Aqsa Mosque on top of Judaism’s holiest site – the Temple Mount – an Islamic cleric began drawing a crowd as he delivered an impromptu sermon warning the Jewish people that they are about to be “slaughtered without mercy.”
Citing the Quran in his reference to Jews as “the most evil of Allah’s creations,” Sheik Omar Abu Sara declared a climatic “battle with the Jews” is imminent, according to a video of the sermon that was posted on the Internet Nov. 28 and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute.
And he appeared to be inviting the armies of ISIS – the self-declared Islamic state – to fulfill the prophesied task of eliminating the Jewish people and “liberating” the Palestinians.
“We are living in a time when the battle with the Jews has drawn near, as our Prophet Muhammad was reported to have said: ‘You fight the Jews until the trees and the stones will say: Oh servant of Allah, oh Muslim, there is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him,’” the sheik said.
“I say to the Jews loud and clear: The time for your slaughter has come. The time to fight you has come. The time to kill you has come. Allah willing, we are ready for the task – we and the loyal and faithful Muslims, along with the armies of the state of the Islamic Caliphate, which will come to liberate this land from your filth.”
Accusing Israel of causing suffering, Sara rhetorically encouraged the Jewish state to continue its ways, which will only give Palestinians even more motivation to destroy it.
“Please do not leave in our hearts a single grain of mercy toward you, oh Jews, because when the day of your slaughter arrives, we shall slaughter you without mercy.”
Sara said the Jews are masters of “every single vile trait” known to man, according to the Quran, and have only gotten worse over time.
“By Allah, the Jews are the most evil of Allah’s creations. They are the most evil creatures to have walked this Earth,” he said.
The sheik said it was “the Jews whom Allah turned into apes and pigs, and afflicted with degradation and humiliation.”
He then launched into a liturgy that drew responses from the gathered crowd:
Sara: “Oh Allah, make that day come faster.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, hasten the day of the [slaughter] of the Jews.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, hasten the day of their killing.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, hasten the day we fight them.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, hasten the day of their slaughter.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sheik Omar Abu Sara: “Allah, hasten the day when the Al-Aqsa Mosque is cleansed of their filth.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, hasten the establishment of the state of the Islamic Caliphate.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, make it a righteous caliphate in the path of the prophets.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Sara: “Oh Allah, hasten the pledge of allegiance to the Muslim caliph.”
Crowd: “Amen.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/12/message-at-temple-mount-time-for-slaughter-of-jews/#R8khM6vqSbLb6OSR.99
Nací en Madrid en el año 1.948. Estudié durante nueve años en los colegios de la Compañía de Jesús de Areneros y del Recuerdo de Madrid.
Licenciado en derecho por la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, estudié también los dos primeros cursos de Ingeniero de Minas del plan 1964 en la E.T.S.I. de Minas de Madrid.
Además de mi lengua materna, el castellano, leo fluentemente el portugués, francés, italiano, y latín. Tengo nociones de inglés, griego y hebreo bíblico.
Desde muy joven ingresé en la Familia de Almas fundada por el Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, habiendo sido fundador y presidente de la Sociedad Cultural Covadonga – TFP.
Como miembro de la Familia de Almas fundada por el Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, asumo totalmente el análisis filosófico-histórico de su obra cumbre: el libro Revolución y Contra-Revolución, síntesis de su pensamiento en esta área, y punto de partida para el apostolado lego del Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira y de toda la Familia de Almas por él fundada. Con sus propias palabras diremos: «Revolução e Contra-Revolução não é senão uma aplicação da Doutrina Católica a certas situações históricas». En la médula de su pensamiento están: El Magisterio Tradicional de la Iglesia y Santo Tomás: «Sou tomista convicto. O aspecto da Filosofia pelo qual mais me interesso é a Filosofia da História. Em função deste encontro o ponto de junção entre os dois gêneros de atividade em que me venho dividindo ao longo de minha vida: o estudo e a ação. O ensaio em que condenso o essencial de meu pensamento explica o sentido de minha atuação ideológica. Trata-se do livro Revolução e Contra-Revolução» (cfr. Auto-retrato filosófico de Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. Revista “Catolicismo” (http://www.catolicismo.com.br), outubro de 1996, N° 550. Editora Padre Belchior de Pontes Ltda. Sáo Paulo – Brasil. Cfr. También en el sitehttp://www.pliniocorreadeoliveira.info/).
Este Blog «Las Españas», que considero una forma de apostolado lego, copia las noticias de modo indicativo, no exhaustivo, que señalan en qué estado está España, por eso prácticamente el noticiario seleccionado se dedica a España, aunque a menudo reproducimos noticias que no son de España, pero que conforme el caso pueden afectar al rumbo histórico de España.
¿Por qué «Las Españas»? Fue el título de nuestros Reyes, Reyes de todas Las Españas, desde los Reyes Católicos hasta el Rey Carlos II último rey de la Casa de Austria. Representa el respeto a la diversidad regional.
Finalmente diremos que ese apostolado tiene como ideal el enunciado por San Luis María Grignion de Montfort en su «Tratado de la Verdadera Devoción a la Santíssima Virgen». «Ut adveniat regnum tuum, adveniat regnum Mariae» (op. cit., Vozes, Petrópolis, 1984, 13ª ed., no 217, pp. 210-211).
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