19 de marzo de 2018

In Eulogizing Terror Victim, Gov't Minister Shouts: 'God Gave Us This Land'

In Eulogizing Terror Victim, Gov't Minister Shouts: 'God Gave Us This Land'

Monday, March 19, 2018 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli government officials used the funeral of yet another victim of terror to remind the Jewish state's enemies that it is by Divine decree that Israel has been reborn.
Adiel Kolman, a 32-year-old father of four, was stabbed to death in Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday.
The terrorist was identified as Abd al-Rahman Bani Fadel, a 28-year-old Palestinian Arab who had been granted a five-day entry permit to look for work inside "Israel-proper."
Kolman reportedly managed to struggle with Fadel until police arrived and shot the terrorist dead. Kolman then succumbed to his wounds. His heroic actions might very well have prevented Fadel from stabbing anyone else.
At Kolman's funeral on Monday, Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel insisted that the response would be even more Jewish settlement in all the Land of Israel.
"Our revenge is settlement and holding tight to the land," said Ariel. "This land is ours. We received it from God, blessed is he."
Also attending was Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, who highlighted Kolman's work at the City of David archaeological site, and stated:
"Yesterday, they succeeded in harming Adiel. The sorrow is deep and difficult, but they’ll never succeed in removing us from our path. We in Jerusalem are determined not to change our daily routines and to continue to build in Jerusalem and in the Land of Israel."
PHOTO: Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau speaks during the funeral of Adiel Kolman. Photo by Hadas Parush/Flash90

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